Terms and conditions


The company DC media, abbreviated DCM and commercially known as elhoo, with company number/VAT: BE0738.589.375, located at Avenue Louise 179, 1050 Bruxelles.

In the following, the term "elhoo" refers to the service offered by the company "DC MEDIA".

elhoo grants a right of access and use to a service on its website www.elhoo.fr allowing the management of the invoicing of a self-employed person and/or a company.

For all other questions or remarks concerning the use of the site, please consult our FAQ section.

Scope of application

These general terms and conditions apply to online sales in Europe, to the exclusion of any other document.

The purpose of these general terms and conditions of sale is to define, exclusively on the basis of the relations established on the Internet network, the rights and obligations of the parties arising from the online sale of the service offered on the site.

The user declares that he/she has read and accepted these GTC by ticking the box provided for this purpose when entering the site www.elhoo.fr and by validating his/her user account, before purchasing the service.

The choice to use the service is the sole responsibility of the user.

These GTC can be modified at any time. New features may be created by elhoo, which shall be subject to these GTC. The use of the site after modification of these GTC constitutes acceptance of these GTC. Any modification of the GTC will be the subject of a specific information within elhoo. You will be notified by e-mail.

If one or more clauses of these general terms and conditions of sale are held to be invalid or declared as such in application of a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent court, all the other clauses shall remain valid.

User account

The transmission of user data must be correct, current and accurate. We are not responsible for incorrect data transmission.
Each user is responsible for the transmission of his data to third parties and for the security of his password and account.

Users who are "managers" of the account created may invite other users to manage their elhoo account. These managers are responsible for any damage caused by these users.
The user acknowledges that he/she is acting exclusively in a professional capacity, to the exclusion of any private use within the meaning of the Market Conduct Act.


The prices in force are those mentioned on the site on the day of the purchase of the service. The modified prices are applicable to any subscription made after their publication online.

The price defined includes a right of access to the personal elhoo service. This right is non-transferable and non-exclusive.

Terms of payment

Access to the service can only be granted if the payment is validated by the third-party service provider certifying the payment(s).

The price is payable in cash, in full, on the date of the first provision of the services, the day your user account is created. As indicated on the invoice given to the user, it is eligible for secure payment via the Mollie payment platform. This first invoice will be your entry and anniversary date with elhoo.

In addition, elhoo reserves the right, in the event of non-compliance with the payment conditions, to suspend or cancel the provision of the services ordered by the user and/or to suspend the performance of its obligations immediately and without notice.

On each elhoo anniversary date, the annual payment is due. Several reminders prior to the aforementioned date shall be sent to the user by e-mail to renew the service offered by elhoo. In the event of non-payment on the due date, the user account shall be automatically blocked. The user has the option of unblocking the account for a period of 7 days, after which time elhoo reserves the right to deactivate the user account.

The user shall not be charged any additional costs beyond those incurred by elhoo for the use of a payment method.
In the event of the user account being closed, no refund or credit shall be granted.

Performance of elhoo

The use of elhoo is subject to a fee and is only accessible online via the website and the mobile application.

elhoo undertakes to make its best efforts to provide the services ordered by the user, within the framework of an obligation of means and within the specified time limits.

elhoo does not replace any other service of the user's company. Any advice or opinion given by elhoo only concerns the software that elhoo makes available to the company.

elhoo reserves the right in the event of non-payment of an invoice due or non-compliance with any clause in these GTC to immediately and without notice suspend the execution of its contract in whole or in part.

In the event of a breach of one or more clauses of these GTC, elhoo reserves the right to deactivate the user's account and to claim damages for the loss suffered. In the event of non-use of the account for a period of more than 2 months, elhoo reserves the right to deactivate the account.

In order to unblock the user account, please contact elhoo by e-mail at the following address: support@elhoo.fr. Please include your customer number and the reason for your request in the subject line of your e-mail.

Right of withdrawal

Users do not have the right of withdrawal.

Liability of elhoo

}elhoo provides you with a continuous service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Despite our continuous efforts to provide you with the best possible service, service interruptions are possible, e.g. in the event of breakdowns, failures of the host, necessary or useful maintenance interventions, etc. These interruptions will not give rise to any compensation, and no liability can be attached to elhoo.

The software may be improved or modified at any time and without notice. The user may not claim any compensation.

elhoo is in no way liable for indirect and consequential damages, loss of profits or revenue, etc.

The user must inform elhoo in writing within 8 days of the existence of any defects or lack of conformity of the service provided by elhoo.
We shall not be liable for any lack of information on your part. elhoo shall make every effort to resolve the problem within one week of your notification.

elhoo is limited to reimbursing the services paid for by the user.
elhoo shall in no way be liable or in default for any delay or non-performance resulting from the occurrence of a case of force majeure.

elhoo shall not be liable for any theft of information by physical or electronic means and the consequences thereof for the customer. The customer must be aware of this latent risk and must keep any information that it considers too vulnerable or strategic.

elhoo reserves the right to stop marketing its software. The user will be informed by any means and will continue to have access to the software for the duration of the subscription to which he has subscribed. The user will be given at least one month's notice before the software is permanently discontinued. The user will have to take all the provisions of safeguarding his data.

The cessation of marketing by elhoo shall not give rise to any compensation or reparation whatsoever on the part of elhoo.

Only gross negligence can be blamed on elhoo. In the event of gross negligence, the total compensation due to the customer may not exceed the total amount invoiced by elhoo for the period in which the damage occurred.

Data protection and intellectual property

All elements of the elhoo platforms are and remain the exclusive intellectual property of the latter.

No one is authorised to reproduce, exploit, rebroadcast or use in any way whatsoever, even partially, the elements of the site, whether they be software, visual or sound.

Any simple link or hypertext link is strictly forbidden without the express prior written consent of elhoo.

elhoo may mention its customers or their comments for promotional or advertising purposes on any medium, including its website, and may use their names, logos, etc., unless the customer expressly objects.

Applicable law

The present general terms and conditions of use are originally written in French, which will be the only authentic text of the agreements made. These conditions are subject to Belgian law. Any contract written in another language will only be considered as a translation for commercial and information purposes.


Help: support@elhoo.fr

Press: press@elhoo.fr

Phone number: +33 1 87 66 06 89

